Home – Ecology Bridge2025-01-19T13:53:45-07:00

Ecology Bridge was born out of the owner’s passion to apply science to current environmental issues and share scientific information with the greater public. We believe when science is applied to on the ground challenges, we can improve our lives and the environment around us. The owner left the academic world to bring science into practice by integrating simple monitoring and site assessment to inform land management decisions. Too often science makes discoveries that could innovate on the ground management, but this information does not reach boots on the ground or comes in forms that prevent integration. Ecology Bridge aims to bridge that gap by applying science to current land management issues in a logistically feasible way that informs management decisions today and in the future.

Land Management

Noxious Weed Management

Wetland Delineations

Ecological Assessments

Field GPS Data Collection

Project Management

Grant Writing

Reporting and Peer Review

Geospatial Mapping

Employee Training


Woman Owned

Small Business

Environmental Assessments

Adaptive Land Planning & Implementation

Get In Touch

Sara Jo Dickens, PhD

(303) 549-2089


Land Management

  • Natural Lands Assessments, Environmental Studies/ Ecological Assessments and Baselines
  • Adaptive Land Management Planning
  • Wetland Delineations
  • Noxious Weed Management
  • Field GPS Data Collection


  • Project Management
  • Grant Writing

  • Reporting and Peer Review

  • Geospatial Mapping

  • Employee Training

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”



We provide a range of services to support landowners, managers, and developers in obtaining their goals in a sustainable manor and in compliance with environmental regulations.

Ecology Bridge

Long-term relationships allow us to know our clients well and anticipate their needs. We aim to help you achieve your goals today and long into the future.

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